Little Updates

A blog is too much of a commitment...

11th January 2024

You can now extract external links from pages and run checks based on them! A much requested feature (by one person at least) so we are pleased to add it to the system, if you are reading this you'll get to know first as it will take a bit of time to update the marketing site

3rd January 2024

Improvements to the invoice download section, that process has been streamlined, I know this isn't an exciting feature for most people but it's probably the #1 thing we get emailed about so small tweaks to try and improve LW.

15th November 2023

Improvements to our content extraction

11th August 2023

You can now select between interaction mode and selection mode in the Wizard

19th July 2023

You can now modify the parameters of your core web vitals alerts so you can choose when you want to be alerted for those changes (some would ask why we didn't build this in the first place to to those people we say.. shh...)

This stuff isn't sexy,
but it's serious

  • Domain name expiration
  • Robots.txt changes
  • Redirect breaking
  • Core Web Vitals
  • Tracking Tag
  • Content change
View all 30+ checks